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How many times have children entered your classroom and they cannot sit still on the mat, they are unable to hold a pencil correctly or have difficulty recalling the letter name, sounds or sight words?  This is because they are not developmentally ready or equipped for our very structured New Zealand Curriculum and early years school system.

Click the button below to go directly to our new Ready 4 Learning Website

It is important to develop a transition to school from home and ECE that supports learners to be working within their zone of proximal development in their first year(s) of school. Learning readiness’ involves knowing a child’s level of neurodevelopment and whether their various sensory motor systems such as vision, hearing, touch, smell, balance and sense of body in space are functioning well enough to support learning.  Research has shown that if one or more of these areas are not functioning as they should, a child will find learning difficult and stressful, resulting in seemingly simple tasks causing tiredness, anxiety, distress and learned helplessness.  


We participated in extensive research and trials to create a Readiness for Learning Framework that supports and underpins the “foundation elements” needed for a learner to be curriculum ready, as  higher level cognitive tasks such as reading and writing are dependent upon the successful execution of fundamental skills and related tasks, many of which are motor tasks. If these skills are not automatic, the brain will concentrate on those rather than on the higher level thinking tasks.  In most cases,  a child has to learn these foundational skills in order to be able to start formal learning.


These elements consist of speaking, concepts of print, hearing, seeing and moving (fine/gross motor skills). In this framework we gain an insight into what skills/elements the child needs to have in order for them to gain automaticity in their ability to read/write and carry out abstract thinking needed for maths.  Underpinning the framework are our all-important Key Competencies in child speak which can be tracked alongside their ready for learning skills.


To support this framework, we have developed an ‘assessment tool’ which is extremely easy and quick to administer, that allows teachers to ascertain whether students are curriculum ready and in what specific areas the required pre-curriculum subskills of listening, speaking, moving, seeing, and print are undeveloped. It is important for teachers to know their learner to enable them to provide specific targeted teaching which can take place in either a learning through play environment or a more ‘traditional’ classroom.    


Our Ready 4 Learning foundation skills framework and assessment tool are research based using a variety of sources including occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, neurology and paediatric medicine as well as a globally recognised child developmental screening tool.


We provide workshops, resources, online learning (coming end of 2019) and school based PLD.


Check out our resources section.



We are a Ministry of Education approved provider of Structured Literacy PLD. We have 7 facilitators based around the country who can help you create a Structured Literacy approach based on research and best practice but tailored to meet your School's specific context.

Our facilitators are current teachers  and leaders who have been using a Structured Literacy approach in their classroom programme for many years. They have all had extensive training in Structured Literacy, many with the  IMSLE qualification.


At Clarity Education we are not tied to a set Structured Literacy programme or a set of resources. Our facilitators use evidence informed practice based on current research on what has been shown to be effective and they work with you to make SL part of a rich literacy approach specific to your school.


Our facilitators have a deep practical understanding of the key principles and elements of Structured Literacy and know how to support and guide your teachers to confidently and competently be implement a sound Structured Literacy approach in their classroom.


Teachers will feel confident in teaching reading and writing and use assessment effectively to guide teaching and learning.


Our facilitators work with your leaders to lead the change to ensure a sustainable approach after they have left.


We do things a little differently. Contact us to see how we can work with you and your team and what makes us special.

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Assessment for learning has been around for a long time, however, we are noticing more and more schools are asking for support in this area. Research shows that assessment for learning strategies are the most impactful strategies there are for student learning. Effective assessment for learning in the classroom creates active, self-regulating agentic learners. We believe assessment is an integral part of all learning which encompasses purposeful, timely and relevant formal and informal practices, where students, teachers and whanau take joint ownership of their ongoing learning journey.

We can work with you to implement effective assessment for learning systems and process’ within your school and provide support for your teachers and learners to grow their assessment capability  so it positively impacts on teaching and learning.

"Ande Ford has worked in our school in the areas of Assessment For Learning practice and Leadership. Ande's extensive experience as a Principal and as a learning facilitator means she has a deep understanding of what it means to guide a school through the change process and how to support school leaders in shifting teacher practice to improve student achievement.


She has a strong pedagogical knowledge and is a skilled coach. This means that no matter what comes up in conversation in leadership growth sessions or staff meetings she can seize the teachable moment and coach staff to those "aha moments" that improve their practice and support the school to move forward with its strategic goals. 

Suzanne Billington – Principal Tauriko School


Assessment for learning has been around for a long time, however, we are noticing more and more schools are asking for support in this area. Research shows that assessment for learning strategies are the most impactful strategies there are for student learning. Effective assessment for learning in the classroom creates active, self-regulating agentic learners. We believe assessment is an integral part of all learning which encompasses purposeful, timely and relevant formal and informal practices, where students, teachers and whanau take joint ownership of their ongoing learning journey.

We can work with you to implement effective assessment for learning systems and process’ within your school and provide support for your teachers and learners to grow their assessment capability  so it positively impacts on teaching and learning.

"Ande Ford has worked in our school in the areas of Assessment For Learning practice and Leadership. Ande's extensive experience as a Principal and as a learning facilitator means she has a deep understanding of what it means to guide a school through the change process and how to support school leaders in shifting teacher practice to improve student achievement.


She has a strong pedagogical knowledge and is a skilled coach. This means that no matter what comes up in conversation in leadership growth sessions or staff meetings she can seize the teachable moment and coach staff to those "aha moments" that improve their practice and support the school to move forward with its strategic goals. 

Suzanne Billington – Principal Tauriko School


School Based Leadership Development


School based leadership development is tailored to your school's particular needs. We can support with identifying areas for development through a comprehensive needs analysis for both individuals and teams. We can also take direction for the focus from your own analysis.

We work with you to co-construct a programme of support for you and your leaders that is context specific and needs based to grow the leaders of learning in your school.​

We work with Principals, Leadership teams, Senior and Middle leaders.​

We support leadership growth through
a variety of methods that include:


  • 1-1 coaching

  • Team coaching

  • Focussed observations and video analysis

  • School review and planning​

External Leadership Programme


This leadership programme involves a mix of face-to-face
workshops, online tutorials, 1-1 coaching and in-school work.

The learning focus:


  • Who are you as a leader?

  • People skills

  • Developing effective teams

  • Developing a coaching way of being

  • Leading an inquiry mindset

  • Data driven decision making

Teacher Instructing
Teens & Library
Female Lecturer
Leadership Development


Coaching is internationally recognized as a key factor in school improvement. Coaching builds an inquiry mindset and is key in growing teaching and learning capacity, developing leadership skills and improving student outcomes.

We can coach individuals and teams to focus on enriching teaching and learning through high impact and sustained professional growth programs. We use structured conversations to focus leaders on using evidence to reflect on their learning and explore their own practice from multiple perspectives.

Learn to Coach - School Based:

Grow the coaching capacity in your school. Develop your teachers and leaders in a coaching and inquiry mindset. Participants are able to apply skills learnt and receive feedback for growth within the school context.

Learn to Coach - External Workshops

Based on current research and best practice this programme is practical, do-able and grows a strong coaching way of being. The programme consists of three one-day workshops followed by practice, analysis and one-to-one coaching.


  • Learning focus:

  • Key coaching skills

  • The coaching process

  • Practical tools and techniques

  • Difficult and challenging conversations

  • Developing a coaching way of being

  • Implementing coaching in your context

  • Analysing the impact of your coaching on improving teaching and learning



Do you want external support to help review your school’s systems and processes to ensure there is clarity and consistency from your charter to what is happening in the classroom to improve teaching and learning? 

The use of the Clarity Review tool is a Data Driven Decision Making (DDDM) tool based on Victoria Bernhardts work and ERO’s school review Inquiry process. This supports you to pinpoint where your school is at, where you want to be and a suggested process to get there.

We can support you with:


  • Co-constructing and implementing sound evaluative processes and practices for your school context

  • External evaluation to support your data driven decision making

  • Developing evaluative capability in your team

  • Using evaluation data to inform next steps

  • Getting your ducks in a row for ERO

Analyzing the data
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